Site icon Lah Lah Banana


Thank you for visiting Lah Lah Banana!  I’m just an everyday mum, who clearly doesn’t speak Chinese, but have a dream for my children to be bilingual Chinese-English global citizens, who are resilient, happy, caring, giving and know the true source of love.

My blog is a simple resource to help other families in Singapore who are also on the journey of teaching their children Mandarin, especially those without knowledge of the language themselves.

I love hearing for you, and learning from you. I welcome any feedback, questions, concerns or suggestions, to make this blog more useful in supporting like-minded parents in Singapore. The real beneficiaires here are my children! As they’re getting a wealth of tips and hints, so I feel so blessed to connect with you, whether you’re a parent, teacher, educator, product designer or just someone interested in languages. I do it in my spare time, in the wee hours of the night.

For my blog, initially I began it with the principle that I wouldn’t accept any sponsored post requests (I still don’t, and never plan to) nor would I review any product which we hadn’t paid for at full retail price. Over time this has changed a little, as I have accepted a few very kind complimentary products to try out (in these cases it is noted clearly in my reviews). But the principle remains that ALL my blog posts and reviews are based on our family’s honest personal experience. I will only write on this blog about learning products / experiences / resources that I believe can truly help other families in their Chinese-English bilingual journeys in Singapore, and relevant to Singapore contact. I have no affiliations / payments / sponsorship from any company.

So yes, please reach out using the form below. I would love to hear from you, although my speed in replying may be delayed. I do really appreciate hearing from you. For privacy of my family, I have taken down the Facebook page and Instagram pages previously associated with the blog.

Please send me your message

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